Monday, August 17, 2009

Time. . . . . . .

You know it's funny, time really is fleeting.

Yesterday afternoon I was busy with something that had me digging through some documents from last year and I realised that it's been over a year since the catalyst for change walked or should I rather say smiled into my life.

It's scary to be able look back at the person I was just 365 short days ago and see how far I've come in that year. In some areas it's been leaps and bounds forward without a backward glance, in others it's been more tentative and smaller steps but they've been forward never the less, there are even an area or two that I'm tempted to say I've gone backwards because that's how it feels sometimes and yet I haven't really gone backwards or even stayed the same, the changes have just been different, more subtle and maybe not so noticeable. I even gave some thought to how different things would have been if change hadn't come along in the form it did and I think I may still have changed but just in different ways and maybe not in the ways I have now, actually, definitely not in the ways I have, the darkness almost certainly would have won. It's almost as if the change that came along and dragged me kicking and screaming back into the light, out of the shadows that where slowly consuming me and all I was meant to be. And you know something there are days that I wish for the shadows and darkness and the me who used to live in them but I wouldn't go back to that me for all the money or anything else in the world because as much as there are bad days I'm loving the me who is LEARNING to Live, Love and Laugh

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