Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I wish Heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again..I thought of you today,but thats nothing new.I thought about you yesterday,and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake,from which I'll never part. God has you in His arms. I have you in my heart. Repost if you have someone in heaven.

I don't usually like these repost things but I've been thinking of my mom a lot the last few days as I always do when I need advise and well it just seemed like the right thing to do:/

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The times

they are a changing. Ok, ok bad use of a good quote :) but they really are, it's funny but being stuck in traffic for hours doesn't seem to bad now that the seasons are changing and my favourite time of year is all but upon us. I appreciate living in Joburg so much more with all it's trees when the leaves begin to change. Mmmmm I feel a post coming on about all the things I LOVE about this time of year and yes that includes the cold :P
Happy Thursday btw :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I know I've posted this before and guess what I probably will again :P
I seem to be on a strange journey to a peace that I wasn't expecting.
There have been a few events in the last couple of weeks that simply put freaked me out and then there have been a few that got me thinking but the ones I'm focusing on are the ones that have made me smile and realise that as bad as things have been I am very blessed. Now naturally I could go on about that here but I'm not going to, not yet anyway ;)
Hope everyone has a good Wednesday and do yourselves a favour spend some time imagining ;P

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not refusing either :)

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;

I will not refuse to do something I can do."

Helen Keller

Monday, April 12, 2010

Not ready to leave but yes

"When you meet a man, you judge him by his clothes;

when you leave, you judge him by his heart."

Russian Proverb

Saturday, April 10, 2010

In spite of me

"The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself."

Victor Hugo

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The greatest gift is love.

I have lots to say on this one just dont have the time right now :(

Guess it will have to wait till the weekend since I'm being tortured tonight and no not in a good way and tomorrow I will be hiding alone trying really hard to forget what day it is:( Yes a personal thing with lots of issues attached and I know you're thinking omg not another one. Also had some wierd stuff happening that I really need to try figure out but I'm not sure I like where it's going to take me. Oh well such is this thing called life :/

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ok, so it's

silly but it made me laugh :D

"My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people eating."

Orson Welles

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let your heart

Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully. Love lights its own path. It never gets lost on its way home. Don't try to reason with your heart or feel with your mind for just as the heart knows no logic, the mind can't lead you to your soul.
~ Author Unknown


"He listens well who takes notes."


Just because I'm taking notes doesn't always mean I'm listening :P

Fearless, Finally

"You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless"

Just a thought that has been playing around in my head all day. I have lots I want to say tonight but I don't know where to start so rather than just ramble on for pages I'm going to get my thoughts in order, tell who needs to be told and then post something that makes sense to more than just me :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Simple Beauty

Just something I'm toying with :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

In search of

In all its beautiful, candle-lit galaxies,
Crowded with glass-clinking revellers,
The Cosmos was Laughing with
Lasting Love and Light.

Kate Farrell b. 1946

I dare

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."

Robert Francis Kennedy

In search of some

Friday, April 2, 2010

A life lived and lost

Angelique Constance Slogrove
1 April 1918 - 27 September 1990

Still miss you stax.

It's been 20 years this year since my gran left us for a higher calling, it seems like yesterday :( There are days that I still miss her so much, her advice, her sense of humour, her sense of self and her belief in a higher power that is in control. You couldn't ignore her or what she said. She was a lady in every sense of the word and yet you just knew there was something more to her.

She would have been 92 yesterday, and I spent a moment in a crazy day just remembering who she was and what she stood for and in that moment I realised that she really lived even if her life would have been considered boring by today's standards it was controversial in her day. She was unusual and just a little wild. She fought for what she wanted and won, she wasn't afraid and she made every day her own right until the end.

I have so many memories that stand out, that choosing just one or two to share turned into a bittersweet trip down memory lane that left me smiling sadly. She was a woman who in the 50's and 60's before it was something women strived for had successfully combined being a career woman with being a mother of 3 and a stepson. She fought for her love for my grandfather and defied not only her family, but the church and convention by marrying a divorced man with a child because she loved him. She was politically aware and at times took the risk of being arrested by the then "security" police for harbouring and assisting in the flight from the country of "enemies of the state". She had friends from every spectrum of life and circumstance and each of them was welcome in her home even when it was frowned upon. She believed in the basic concept that all men are created equal. She believed in doing what you could to help others. She was always busy knitting for someone or some charity or church fundraiser. She had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and was also more open minded than anyone I'd ever met until recently, funny but I can see conversations and debates between her and certain people in my life now that would have been nothing if not interesting, educational and intense. For me there are so many things that stand out like the sound of her laugh, it was infectious. She had the most amazing sense of humour, I don't know if had to do with her being an April 1st baby, but she loved to laugh and could make everyone around her laugh when she told a joke even if you had already heard it a thousand times. I loved the way she smelled, it wasn't that typical grandmother smell, she always smelled like "Blue Grass" perfume even today if I smell it I smile and think of her. She loved pretty jewellery and scarves, definetly something I inhereted from her She made the most amazing cottage pie, I've never tasted anything like it and even though I've followed her recipe to the letter for years it's never tasted as good and her scones OMG, little bits of heaven in every bite. They're still my fall back emergency, oh sh!t we have visitors and need something for tea make, I swear she's the reason I developed my love of cooking to. Being allowed to help make those scones and taught at 5 or 6 to make them on my own left me with no option really. She also taught me that books are your friend and fostered my love of reading and thirst for knowledge and new experiences. I just know she would have LOVED the internet and the worlds it's opened up.

Funnily enough though those aren't the things that stand out the most in my mind. What stands out most to me is her advice given to a teenage girl who really wasn't interested and yet here I am all these years later wishing that I had listened to the voice of experience and paid more attention to her advice. Some of it was profound like "if you love someone accept the circumstances of that love and make the very best of every moment you have because you never know which moment will be your last" followed closely with "if you love someone give yourself completely to them and the experience, to do less would be to steal from yourself and from them" admittedly one I still don't quite grasp but I'm starting to understand. Some of it common sense like "never go to bed angry with each other, your bedroom should be a place of peace" and "give your best no matter what it is you're doing" and some of it seriously embarrassing for a 16 year old girl like "make sure you're having fun together as a couple especially in the bedroom". Lets just say the story attached shocked my innicent 16 year old socks off :P (told you she wasn't average) One of the last pieces of advice she gave me was "if a man ever lifts his hand to you walk away and never look back" is also the one I regret not listening to most but thats a post for another time maybe.

She was a woman who would have fitted so much more easily into the modern world than her own time and yet I think it would break her heart to see what is becoming of the world now so maybe she did live in the perfect moment for her.

I just hope that someday I can look back on my life and know that I've lived as well as she did and that she would be proud of me :)

I know that wherever she is just the fact that I remembered to think about her would make her smile.

Me .........

3 weeks in and I haven't lost my mind..............yet :P
Well at least I hope I haven't because if I have I haven't even noticed
I wrote a little while ago that I had a sense that change was on it's way and have been a little disapoined because well that change just doesn't seem to have come. Everything is still the same mixed up jumble of yeah, well, no finethat it's been for ages now and I just seem to be stuck in this rut. Or am I, you see as much as everything seems to be the same old, same old
there is a distinct difference, yes I may still be freaking the hell out and losing it on a regular basis and wanting things that I really shouldn't. What has changed though is that I'm no longer fighting myself, I'm no longer denying who I am and what I want and that I;m going to have to fight for it. I've also accepted that things will happen in there own time. What hasn't changed though is even though I'm probably the most patient person I know I wish that those things happening in their own time would just hurry the h3ll up :)

My blessing is yours

Your blessing is no more than being safe and sound for the whole lifetime.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ok, ok

So I'm supposed to be trying to sleep but this just arrived in my mail box and I just had to share it. I'm tired of the one and love the other the trick it seems to me is going to be to get the two to coexisist without destroying myself. Not difficult for anyone who knows me to guess which one I prefer btw.

"There are two worlds;

the world that we can measure with line and rule,

and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination."

Leigh Hunt


I haven't forgotten my threat and I also haven't forgotten the song :)

It's still pretty constant in the backtrack of my mind but the one verse in particular is fighting so much harder than all the others and this is the one that I cant seem to get away from. It's given me plenty of pause for thought in the last little while and even sent me back in to my "stranger" book collection, which I must say has been an eye opener. Can't wait to share what I've come across with certain people but like all good things I'll just have to wait. One book though has certainly explained an experience I had trouble understanding and so much more of that particular event now makes sense. Opened my mind to something I already knew deep down was true and validated my experience, also makes more sense now why only certain parts of that evening stand out :)

But no now I'm rambling and I really should sleeping.

Take a look at the verse I'm refering to, give it some thought, you'll be surprised what you find all wrapped up in your own mind.

Live: They stood up for Love

we spend all of our lives goin` out of our minds
looking back to our birth, forward to our demise
even scientists say, everything is just light
not created, destroyed but eternally bright
masters in everytime lord in everyplace
those who stood up for love down in spite of the hate
we spend all of our lives goin` out of our minds
they live in the light


Yeah I know it's been a while, got lots I'm trying to deal with again and even more I need to deal with but don't know how to face or where to start. They maintain time heal all wounds after 13+ years of dealing with some of this I'm not so sure *shrug* I guess only time will tell.

On a lighter note no prizes for guessing which South African "politician" this made me think of :P

"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."

Elbert Hubbard