Monday, October 5, 2009

Not so oblivious

Just because I seem to be caught up in a maelstrom of darkness it doesn’t mean I’m totally oblivious to what is going on around me. There are a couple of things that have penetrated the darkness and deserve comment.

The first being a 2 fold one really. Part of it being, the storm yesterday. Part being just how beautiful this city is after a storm, despite the odds stacked against it. And yes that is another reference to the chaos that is our road system. I may have taken refuge in the storm to hide my tears but there really is nothing more beautiful than Joburg caught in the grip of Mother Nature and her wrath. Watching the clouds change from white and fluffy, as they go through the spectrum of grey’s till they are almost black and the potential they hold for damage becomes almost palpable. The way the city goes from being a noisy writhing mass in the buildup, to the almost complete silence in the moments before the storm breaks. The frenetic energy that calms to an almost coma. The release of energy as that first lightning bolt is seen and the anticipation I feel as I wait for the thunder that comes next. Watching the storm develop yesterday, I knew it was going to be something special. It was almost as if Mother Nature had taken a pencil and drawn a line on the horizon and declared everything above the line fair game for the storm and its colour’s and everything below the domain of blue. Even when the rain eventually started to clear there was still this clear line in the sky between anger and serenity, anger and peace. The beauty of this city really is done justice after a storm like that. The trees all seem greener, the air seems cleaner and the potential that this city holds seems restored. I’ve been standing watching the horizon for ages already this morning and it’s funny but yesterday’s line in the sky is back in a slightly different guise this morning. There is the most beautiful blue ribbon running between two growing banks of cloud that are slowly changing to grey. And I for one can feel the potential for another storm.

The second is a simple WTF to Nestle. How can you be purchasing a million litres of milk a month from someone and not know who it is ? ? ? ?

(I’d take down my Smarties, except that I’m not willing to give up on the reason they’re there just yet!!!!)

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