Tuesday, April 21, 2009


At 3am this morning as I lay in the dark I had so much I wanted to say and yet when I arrived at work and sat down to post, nothing seemed important enough or insightful enough or even plain ole interesting enough. Then I got busy and posting got pushed to the back burner till I got a few moments to collect my thoughts and decide what I wanted to say.

So a little while ago I had finished what I had to do and I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and went and sat under my tree, yes it's cold and windy (I have a feeling my season is finally well and truly making itself known) but I like hiding under my tree. Ok I'm not really hiding but I seem to be able to centre myself under my tree and this morning I needed centering.

You see I have a feeling something big is on it's way, that something is rising, something that is going to change things in ways that where never expected. I also get the feeling these changes are going to impact on more than just myself, that they will change things for people I know and care about in ways not one of us is expecting. I get the feeling that for some of us this is going to be painful, that there is going to be hurt and issues that need to be dealt with but that in the long run it is going to be what has to happen so that we can all grow into what and who we are meant to become and fighting these changes is going to be futile. Some of us I know are going to try and fight the change though because it is going to come in the form of things and actions we have tried to avoid, in some cases even vowed would never happen but they must. Yep this is definetly something BIG. Not only do I feel it in my bones as they say but everything I do seems to be telling me the same thing.

Ok, you got me, this is one of those things I don't readily admit to but I read oracle cards and for days now every reading (and trust me I've done enough) has had change as an overwhelming factor. Every sign....change......every insight ....change.....every bit of inner guidance and intuition.....change......everything is indicating the same thing ....... CHANGE

Strangely enough I don't fear this change, whatever it is I am willing to embrace it, I'm willing to accept it, on some levels I am even looking forward to it. Change is after all going to come regardless of how hard we fight to keep things the same. And trust me I for one am not fighting that fight......... I want what this change is going to bring.............

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