Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I eventually did get to sleep :) But that's not what this post is about. In fact I don't even know what this post is about yet I just have the inclination to write this morning so I guess this is going to be one of those that takes on a life of it's own.

I mentioned in my post last night that I did the four corners of Joburg yesterday. It really is amazing to watch this city and it's people sometimes and yesterday gave me ample opportunity to do just that. It also made me realise that even though I'm more of a ocean girl at heart I do love this city. The energy, the vibrancy, the way that even when the odds are against them it's people keep on keeping on. And yes that IS a reference to our diabolical roads. I mean what other "major" city in the world would effectively shut down half of it's major road network for what ever the heck it is they think they're doing and basically say to the public screw you without major consequences. It actually amuses me that we haven't had major consequences as yet looking at the reaction to the BRT and the other strikes of late. Many will say that is complacency and in some ways I agree. But you know what, the South African public have done what they always do when it gets royally screwed by whomever is in charge, they've just got on with the business of living life. They've adjusted their travel times and it's now even become a joke in some circles to see how long you can be out of the office "stuck in traffic". Just one more thing I love about this city it's ability to laugh at it's self.

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