Saturday, May 14, 2011


I can remember years ago when my brother was 4 or 5 there was a series of nights when he would wake up screaming for no apparent reason after which he wouldn't settle no matter what tricks my parents tried. After a while my grandmother in all her wisdom called these episodes "night terrors" not your usual run of the mill nightmare, it seems because he seemed to settle after these, these were far worse apparently and scared him in to not sleeping.

Now you're probably wondering where this walk down memory lane is going and yes it actually does have a point.

You see for the last 10 days or so I've had this overwhelming sense of I HAVE to do something and it needs to be done now before its to late.
Call it a gut feel, call it intuition actually I don't rightly know what to call it except to say its overwhelming every moment of my day now, to the extent that panic set in yesterday.
I'm not sleeping, I'm barely eating. I'm crying all the time for no reason and I am totally at my wits end. I've had these gut feels before, actually they're regular occurrences and normally they pass when I've done what I need to or in a day or 2 if I ignore it but this time.
Not so, this time its getting more intense, more urgent, scarier and yes now I'm terrified.
It's this constant, its with me day and night and I'm really freaking out because what I HAVE to do I can't. It's one of those complicated things where if I do what I HAVE to it is could to have consequences that could spiral out of control and will most likely change things and I'm not sure I should be the catalyst.

Anyway I was just wondering if my brothers night terrors all those years ago felt anything like what I'm feeling now because I sure as heck don't want to fall asleep.

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