Monday, May 2, 2011

Game changer, well for me anyway

"Looking at what has been taken away from us is no way to go through life.
It's far better to look at what we can give to others"

Don't laugh but one of the characters in a tv show I had on for noise factor said this on
Thursday night and it struck a chord so deep in me that I think I may have finally started to turn that game changing corner.

You see with everything thats been going on in my life in the last 2 years and specifically the last 2 or 3 months I had become so fixated on everything the universe seemed to be taking away from me. I had forgotten what my passion is and what makes me happy. I've been doubting my value as a person, a friend, a sister, an employee, a lover well actually everything really because all I could see was what I was losing or what I percieved to be losing.

But I've suddenly realised thanks to that silly line out of a tv programme that nothing is being taken away from me, it simply the universe's way of making space in my life for me and those who have stayed to move on to bigger and brighter things.

So here's to finally living my life with love and to bring laughter to others.

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