Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I found this on a blog I visit occasionally and it resonated in me, not only bringing to mind someone it reminds me of but also many thoughts I've had recently and I thought I'd share it simply because it's to good not to. Thank you AoM for putting into words what I often fail to

I watch the news

I hear the strife

I see the great society in which we live moving backwards

With corporate paid politicians pushing us to party like it's 1899

And power consolidating

into the hands of fewer and fewer privileged few

What can one poor boy do

To make the world a better place for all to live?

Not much, I guess.

But I can start where I am with what I have.

I believe we are all members of the human family

That we are all brothers and sisters

And that we are here to help and take care of each other.

I believe that making the world a better place

should be the motivating force in this world rather than greed.

I believe that Jesus taught us a way to live

rather than a practice in lip service and demagoguery.

So what can I do?

I can share a hug

Give a smile

Make another laugh

Shoulder a weeping soul

Help another in need

And look for ways to make life better for those around me

Start where I am with what I have.
Not much.
But it's a start.

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